
With more people looking to the private rented sector than ever before, identifying your top tenants is key, and understand what your target audience are looking for.

Knowing exactly the sort of tenant that is likely to fall in love with your property is the first step to designing the perfect property marketing campaign.

However, identifying that market segment doesn’t just stop with what lies behind the front door. Taking a wider view at the surrounding neighbourhood and local amenities is really important when it comes to understanding who may be interested in your property.

Young professionals

Working professionals are considered by many to be the ‘ideal’ tenant. In a stable profession, this type of tenant is often keen to find a property based around providing a good work/life balance, providing them with a simple commute, and ability to make the most of their downtime.

As businesses move their headquarters from major UK cities out to more regional locations, we are seeing more young professionals move with them, and as such the rental landscape is shifting as we flex to suit the ever-changing locations of this huge market segment. Identifying the needs of these top tenants is key, so what exactly are they looking for in their perfect prime location?

Close to public transport

Whilst arguably a huge draw for anyone, busy professionals are likely to have a real need for easy access to public transport. Convenient travel into or around the nearest major town is a great asset, and if your property has good access to major hospitals, universities or business centres, that’s a huge plus too. 

Nearby shopping, restaurants, gyms

Taking time to unwind is vital, and being located close to shops, cafes, restaurants and gyms puts a big tick in the box. You can help your potential tenants really make the most of these exciting benefits with Howsy Club, a new initiative from Howsy aimed to revolutionise renting for both tenant and landlord. The scheme replaces high rental deposits, with a manageable monthly fee and delivers a host of additional benefits to the landlord. In addition, tenants receive a free Taste Card, giving them access to 2-for-1 meals at over 6000 UK restaurants.

Good internet connectivity

With more and more people working from home, super-fast broadband speeds are a becoming a prerequisite for tenants across the board, with many hoping to find properties pre-connected and ready to log on as they move in.


As the housing market continues to creep skywards, the age demographic of renters is creeping up with it, and we are seeing more and more families look to the private rental sector to fulfil their housing needs.

This section of the market generally has a very specific wish list when searching for the perfect family pad, and identifying their top ‘wants’ is vital if you’re aiming for family tenants. But what exactly does the modern family look for in a dream neighbourhood?


Children bring with them plenty of things. From pushchairs to rugby kits, every parent knows that the day their child comes into the world is the day they wave goodbye to skipping out of the house with just keys, phone and wallet! With this in mind, it is no surprise that off-street parking is a huge bonus to families.

Great schools, nurseries and childcare

If your property is within the catchment area of a great school, it can be a major draw to parents looking to enrol their child. With entry restrictions often very tight, having the perfect postcode can make all the difference. Access to great nurseries and childcare options is also very important to many parents, so do your research on the options locally.

Parks and open spaces

No matter how perfect the property, there is no replacement for getting outside and having a run around in the open air. If you have great amenities such as parks, youth clubs or sports centres on your doorstep, shout about it!

Low crime rate

Obviously, this is an important element for everyone. However, with increasing fear around gang culture in teens and young people, this is a very real concern for parents of young adults. A safe and calm neighbourhood with active regional Neighbourhood Watch schemes or community support may offer peace of mind, and edge ahead over an area without such benefits. 


Student tenants are key to the rental market of some of the UK’s major towns and cities, with student-based rentals making up a high percentage of some region’s private rented market.

However, this sector is not without its challenges and often requires slightly more hands-on management as students take their first steps on the path of independent living. But what regional benefits appeal to this young rental range?

Nightlife and entertainment

It may be an age-old joke, but easy access to bars and nightlife could be a real benefit to students, who may be excited to take the opportunity to make the most of life in their new city. Speedy routes to nightlife hotspots will appeal to students, whilst safe, well-lit streets will appease parents!

Life within walking distance

When it comes to prioritising how to spend a student loan, it is highly unlikely that many will choose to budget for a car… With this in mind, having all major amenities within walking distance is important to student tenants. Taking a stroll around the neighbourhood and jotting down walking times to university campus, local supermarket, transport facilities and restaurants, cafes and bars can help provide clear details in your advert. 

Mature tenants

Whilst students starting out on their rental journey is one end of the rental range, there is a widening part of the of the market appealing to a more mature tenant. Many landlords identify this market sector as top tenants due to them often looking for long-term, reliable tenancies and a good relationship with their landlords, what more could a landlord want?

With older tenants making up a growing part of the private rental sector, it is important that landlords are aware of the needs and desires of this tenant type. Finding the right neighbourhood is often key to more mature tenants, so what are they looking for? 

Access to medical care

As with schools, many doctors’ surgeries operate on a postcode system for patients. More mature tenants may be aware of the need for easily-accessible medical care, and are likely to be looking for continuity of contact with existing healthcare practitioners.

Like-minded neighbours

Feeling that you fit in within a community is key, so mentioning that the property is located in a ‘quiet residential street’ is likely to be appealing to a more mature tenant. Living in a property located amid busy restaurants, or sandwiched between student accommodation is unlikely to tick any boxes.

Identifying top tenant selling deires in your neighbourhood and highlighting them in your advert can bring a real boost to your marketing potential.

For some top tips on writing your advert, read our quick guide here. Alternatively, let the team at Howsy give you a hand crafting the perfect advert, designed to showcase the top selling points of your location, and property.

Give our team a call today on 0330 999 1234 to see how we can help

Stoptober, Public Health England’s 28-day campaign to encourage people to to give up smoking for the duration of October is well underway.

This nationwide campaign has seen over one million people attempt to stub out the habit, taking action on smoking and health, and is the biggest mass attempt to quit in the country.  

All this is great news for landlords. A whopping 53.6% of smokers in the UK rent within private or housing association properties, however only 7% of private landlords are open to letting their tenants light up – so there’s a serious issue burning away in the sector.

Can you stop a tenant smoking in a property?

Including a clause in a tenancy agreement stating that no smoking is allowed in the property would make it very clear that this behaviour is not acceptable under the terms of the lease, and that the tenant is acting outside of the terms that have been agreed to. It would be possible at this stage to terminate the lease based on breach of contract via a Section 8 notice.

However, landlords are under an implied obligation to allow their tenant quiet enjoyment of the property, meaning a landlord must not interfere (or allow anyone else to interfere) with the tenant’s enjoyment of the property. It could be considered that if a tenant is a smoker, not being able to smoke in peace in their property could be a breach of their quiet enjoyment of the property. At this stage, it would be down to the discretion of the judge to decide who was the party in the right.  

With this in mind, it is worth considering that if by the stage that these new developments have come to light, the damage may already have been done. If a tenant has already been smoking in the property, the smell – often the worst element – will already be present. Rather than going through the process of eviction which can be costly and drawn out, you could consider choosing not to renew the contract at the end of the term, and instead spend the money on a spruce up of the property when the tenant has left.

How is vaping different to smoking?

Over 2.3 million adults in the UK already ‘vape’, and with many people moving away from cigarette smoking and onto vaping kits, it’s likely that the question of whether or not to allow electronic cigarettes or vaping is one that could be faced by many landlords.

The potential damage caused by cigarette burns and the lingering cigarette smoke smell are often key reasons cited for landlords not wanting to allow smoking in their property. Damage from nicotine build up on walls and ceilings from smoke and ash are others. Vaping theoretically removes these issues, but should it carry the same rules?

A cigarette, cigar or pipe requires a flame to burn to be smoked, an e-cigarette or vape is powered by a rechargeable battery, and uses liquid nicotine to produce a mist, or ‘vapor’ which is then inhaled. Although vaping produces a cloud of vapor once dispersed this leaves no trace, unlike smoking.

Choosing whether to allow your tenants to vape is a personal choice, however, unlike smoking it is likely to be very tricky to detect if they are doing so in your property unless they come clean about it. If your tenant is open about their vaping habit, you could choose to include a banning clause in the tenancy agreement– although this is likely to be near impossible to enforce. Alternatively, you could allow vaping, but refer to the ‘no smoking’ clause in the tenancy agreement, and reiterate that vaping and the use of electronic cigarettes are acceptable, but a smoking ban is still in place.

What if you have more than one tenant?

If your property has any Common Parts (the shared areas of a property shared by multiple indiviual tenants – kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, staircases, entrances etc) you must be significantly stricter about enforcing a smoking ban in your property. This is because your property is directly affected by the National Smoke Free Legislation, the same law that impacts our workplaces, cafes, bars and pubs, and your tenants are protected from the health risk of second hand smoke. There are no vaping guidelines within this remit.

Not only is smoking not allowed in these areas, but signs and documentation must be displayed to comply with the regulations. Downloadable copies of the official template signs are available here. Your local authority will have an appointed smoke free officer who can assist with any queries on how to modify your property to comply with the smoke free legislation.

Howsy’s Top Tips for dealing with this burning issue:

  • When advertising for a prospective tenant, specify non-smoking only
  • Include a clause in your tenancy agreement that smoking/vaping in the property is not permitted
  • Reiterate your feelings when you meet with your tenant, and explain your reasons
  • Ensure that all of your insurance policies accurately reflect your tenant’s habits – update if necessary
  • If you have shared areas, make sure ‘No Smoking’ signs are clearly displayed

There is no doubt that winter is firmly setting in. As the seasons change, a new challenge picks up pace for the nation’s renters and landlords – managing damp, condensation and mould issues.

Mould growth in a rented property can be more than just an unsightly annoyance. This pesky issue can cause health problems for tenants, the property to fall into disrepair and if left unchecked can even land the landlord in legal hot water.

But what causes mould, damp and condensation problems? What are tenants rights in this situation, should the fixing the issue be a landlord responsibility, or does the clean up land at the feet of the resident?

The common causes of mould in a property

A mould problem in the home is most often caused by a build-up of condensation. This occurs when moisture held in warm air (such as from showering or boiling kettle) meets cold surfaces, such as a glass window or a tiled wall. The warm air then condenses into excess moisture, which has nowhere to go.  Modern homes have actually made this situation worse. Better standards of insulation, such as double glazing and draught proofing work brilliantly at keeping heat in, but also trap moisture in exactly the same way.

If this happens regularly, the pooling excess moisture lingers in the same area, settling in regular places, such as on window frames and in the corners of baths, which can eventually becomes a mould infestation.

Whilst tasks such as showering and boiling kettles are an obvious source of condensation problems, another key day-to-day household task that is high on the list for creating excess moisture in the air is drying clothes. Every average sized load of wet washing holds a staggering one litre (nearly two pints) of water. That’s a lot of liquid to disappear into thin air every time a tenant needs to dry clothes!

Overcrowding can be a real issue too. Depending on how humid the air around us, the average person loses around 300 to 500 millilitres of fluid a day through just breathing. It’s no surprise that a lot of people in one small space, or even one person in a space that is too small can result in mould if left unchecked and unventilated!

Of course, the cause of damp doesn’t have to come from inside the property. Damaged guttering, broken roof tiles/flashing, damaged mortar in external walls or a leaky pipe hidden deep within a wall can all be sneaky culprits of a dodgy damp area inside the property. This is known as penetrating damp. Coupled with poor ventilation inside, all it takes is a few days of wet weather or a slow leak on a pipe fitting and you could be facing a damp spot that will struggle to dry out.

Finally, everyone’s favourite – rising damp. Occurring on the ground floor or basement, this sort of damp happens when moisture is soaked up though a broken or absent damp proof course, into the bricks or concrete foundations of the property. This situation is now slightly rarer, thanks to effective damp proof courses being present in most properties.

What are the dangers?

As well as being unsightly, some mould issues can actually have real impacts on tenant’s health.

Black mould releases tiny spores which travel through the home, triggering allergies, asthma, and fungal infections.  The Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) classes mould as a category one hazard, and requires a landlord to remove or reduce any damp or mould factors that could have any impact on a tenant’s physical or social wellbeing. This applies to homes owned by a private landlord or local authority. You can read all of the HHSRS hazards here.

As well as being risky to your tenant’s wellbeing, a damp problem will undoubtably have a lasting impact on the health of your property. Should internal walls be subject to ongoing moisture, it is likely that significant repair work will be required to get plasterwork back up to a good standard, and woodwork is likely to suffer too.

In the very worst cases, damp can invade the very foundations of a building, and if this happens, you could be facing a really hefty bill – but it’s very possible to solve, so don’t panic! Additionally, it is outlined in Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 that a landlord has a responsibility to ensure that the structure and exterior of the dwelling-house is kept in working order so if damp is causing a problem in your property, you need to fix the issue quickly to ensure not only that your asset is safe and secure, but that you are not breaching any landlord legislation (you can check out some more of your legal requirements here).

How to fix the issue

Working out where the problem is coming from is the first hurdle. Once you have figured out what is causing the problem, you can set about tackling the issue.

There are some simple fixes that will make a really big difference inside your property.

  • Install light-activated extractor fans in the bathroom and kitchen – these are the key areas that cause problems internally
  • Install a tumble dryer – and incentivise your tenants to use it if they are nervous about the cost
  • Explore vented windows – if windows are left unopened, bedrooms can be hotspots for condensation. Many windows now offer vented options allowing airflow whilst maintaining warmth and security
  • Consider installing air bricks if they are not in place already, and check that they have not been blocked up!
  • Request that large items of furniture (wardrobes etc) are not pushed flat to the wall. This encourages air flow around them, and prevents build up behind them

If you have a significant problem, you may need to look at ventilating the property, using dehumidifiers to draw water out of the fabric of the building. A dehumidifier can be hired from a local DIY store, but they must be left on continually and are not always very quiet – so the tenant may want to vacate the property whilst this is ongoing!

If damp has crept in from the outside, your focus should be on managing repair work to address the immediate cause. Ensuring maintenance of your roof, guttering, damp proof course and brick work is up to date is vital.

Landlords not managing mould

Manging damp appropriately can be tricky, as often tenants are nervous about reporting it to landlords.

There is a concern amongst some tenants that the blame for any damp within the property will be placed firmly at their feet, and that the first time they report an issue they will pay the price with an eviction notice.

However, whilst it is vital that landlords carry out any repairs that are needed within a reasonable timeframe, they can only do so if they know about them. Details of how a tenant can report any concerns must be included in the tenancy agreement, with UK contact details for the landlord, or their representative clearly stated.

Once a problem has been reported, it is landlord’s responsibility to respond in writing within 14 days to the tenant, noting details of what they intend to do about the issue, and giving a clear timeframe for works.  

If the landlord fails to do this, the tenant can raise the issue with their local council, where the environmental health team will investigate. If a landlord then tries to evict the tenant within six months of the problem being reported but not addressed, they will be unable to enforce the section 21 notice.

In worst case scenarios, failing to manage mould could even land you in court. A new law, the Fitness for Human Habitation Act came in force in 2018, designed to make sure that all rented properties are free from anything that could cause serious harm.

If a property is not fit for human habitation, tenants have the ability to seek legal advice and ultimately take their landlord to court, where they can be forced to carry out repairs, or put right health and safety issues. The landlord can also be made to pay the tenant compensation.

We were truly sorry to hear the news that Upad has closed its virtual doors.  We know how stressful this must be for both customers and employees alike. 

But what should you be doing to make sure that this sad announcement doesn’t impact you, or your tenants?

1. Notify your tenants

Landlords are likely to have heard the news through the sector press or via correspondence from Upad, but do make sure that your tenants are aware – especially if your property is under management, Upad managed your deposit or you are in the process of sorting out a new tenancy. Keeping everyone in the loop at this stage is vital! A quick email letting them know and directing them to the statement on the Upad website is a good start.

2. Sort out the rent

If Upad was collecting rent on your behalf, make sure that any rent is now paid directly to you.  Legally, all letting agents are required to hold all client money in a separate ringfenced account, so your rent payments should be perfectly safe, however Upad will stop collecting by direct debit after October 10th, so landlords and tenants should make immediate alternative plans for upcoming payments to prevent any confusion.

3. Get back any owed money

If you paid for a Upad advertising package, and you haven’t found a tenant, then you could claim for your money back.  Upad are saying that anyone who bought since 1st October should get a refund, but not if you bought prior to that. 

Assuming you bought it with a debit or credit card, it may be quicker and safer to try and claim back the money now regardless of the date of your purchase.  You can do this via the ‘chargeback schemes’ operated by the card networks (Visa, MasterCard etc.).  They will refund payments made by card if the company goes bust before receipt of goods.  You need to contact your bank or credit card company to start the chargeback process – call the number on the back of the card. Make sure you have your Upad transaction details to hand.  You have 120 days to make a chargeback claim from the point of purchase, so don’t leave it long. 

If you paid by PayPal, then it’s a similar process, but called a Dispute, which is then escalated to a Claim. Go to your PayPal account and start a dispute ensuring it is categorised as ‘Item Not Received’

If you are owed money that wasn’t paid by card, then a lot will depend on what actually happens to Upad.  This government guide details how to claim money from companies in liquidation.

4. Make sure your property is legal

It would be wise to do a quick audit of the paperwork you have for your properties, and take note of anything you have outstanding, or can’t lay your hands on. Make sure you can locate all the relevant copies of required documents such as gas safety certificates, EPCs, HMO licences that the Upad team may have arranged for you so that you know you are fully compliant. If you can’t dig them out, you can trying contacting Upad on [email protected]

If you are having trouble finding any of the vital legal documents, don’t panic. Here at Howsy we can arrange everything to ensure you are compliant with the law – give our team a call and we can help fill in any gaps!

5. Manage the deposits

Any tenant deposits are protected by the Tenancy Deposit Scheme.  They have been moved from TDS’s Insured Scheme to their Custodial Scheme.  This means that landlords will be able to manage the deposit directly, and that tenants and landlords can apply to TDS for deposit repayment when the tenancy ends.  TDS say that they will contact all tenants and landlords by email soon, so get in touch with them if you haven’t heard anything by the end of October.  Details of TDS’s message for Upad customers are here

6. Serve notice

It’s probably an academic point as Upad looks like it is ceasing trading, but you should also serve them notice just to make sure that you’re acting within the bounds of your contract with them.

7. Get your property let

If you were in the process of getting a tenant, then next steps are dependent on what stage you’re at in the process.

If you have found a tenant that you want to proceed with, and are happy to handle the ongoing admin of drawing up contracts, references, right to rent checks and managing deposits, you are perfectly placed to proceed without Upad. 

However, if your property is currently being marketed online (visible on sites such as Rightmove and Zoopla) via Upad, then it may be best to just to start again. You will be unable to access the tenant details that show interest at this stage, so the advert won’t be doing anything for you.

To move on as quickly as possible, there are a few simple steps to take:

  • Copy the URL (the website address) of your property advert.  Find it on Rightmove or Zoopla and take a copy of the link – it will look something like
  • This listing may disappear, however it is useful to be able to pass this on to a new agent if you can. It’ll help provide key details about your property – saving you time and helping get you back online quickly.
  • Get in touch with another letting agent as quickly as possible to avoid losing out on valuable marketing time. Every day counts if you have an empty property! 
  • If you have tenants in situ, don’t forget to keep them notified with regards to what’s going on.

If you are looking for another tenant find only service, then we’d recommend  Their simple and efficient system will get you back up and running as quickly as possible.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive level of lettings management, then get in touch with Howsy. Our 24/7 property management team provide an end-to-end service, from tenant find and rent collection, to repair management and renewals. 

We can pick up where Upad left you, all for a low, fixed monthly fee.  Just either give us a call on 0330 999 1234, request a call back here, or fill in your details and we’ll get in touch.

Help is at hand at Howsy!

There’s nothing worse than a noisy neighbour, in fact noisy tenants with no volume control are one of the biggest causes of complaint to landlords.

But what are our tenants up to that is so loud? The most common complaints we hear at Howsy include:

  • Noise from pets
  • DIY
  • Parties / loud music
  • Shouting / Loud voices
  • Unattended car alarms

All very frustrating noises to live next door to.

However, there are some noises that, whilst possibly very maddening to listen to are not classed as anti-social behaviour and cannot be addressed by local authorities. These include:

  • Traffic, trains and planes
  • Children playing inside or outside the property
  • DIY activities during the daytime or early evening (Monday-Friday 8am-6pm / Saturdays 8am-1pm)
  • Noise resulting from the ordinary use of a property (Including footsteps, doors closing, toilets flushing, and household appliances being used during the day time and early evenings).
  • Fireworks before 11pm, except on certain dates (until midnight on 5 November, until 1am following the first day of Chinese New Year, until 1am on the day following Diwali day, until 1am on the day following 31 December)

But what can you do if your noisy tenant is causing upset? Before you start delivering ear plugs, there are a few options to try…

Who is responsible for noisy tenants?

Whilst as a landlord you do have plenty of legal responsibilities (you can read more about them here) you are under no legal obligation act on unnecessary noise complaints from a neighbour. However, it is in your best interest to ensure that neighbours are happy – after all, they are your eyes and ears and it is important to keep on their good side.   Wherever possible, it is always good to help smooth troubles waters if you can.

Whilst unlikely to contain a specific ‘noise clause’, some tenancy agreements will contain a clause requiring your tenant to not do anything in the property that causes them to be a ‘nuisance’, and all-night parties every evening would certainly contravene that clause. In this instance, you would be within your right to start section 21 proceedings against the tenant on the basis of a tenancy breach, eventually ending in eviction (however it is unlikely that many landlords would do so if the individual was an otherwise good tenant, and the party was a one-off)!

How to deal with noisy tenants

Very often, having a chat to your tenants can be the best first step to managing this issue. Keep things light and friendly, and mention to them that their actions are causing distress. They may not be aware that whilst they may find heavy metal relaxing to fall asleep to, their habit is causing their neighbours sleepless nights! Try and work with them to come up with a solution to the problem. For example, if the noise levels from their midnight trumpet practice are keeping everyone else awake, rather than demanding they stop entirely, ask if it would be possible for them to stop at 10pm – meet in the middle!

Popping them a message after your chat can be a good idea. A quick text to say ‘thanks for being so understanding about my noise concerns when we spoke earlier, hope your trumpet concert goes well!’ is simple and to the point, but reiterates the chat, and also gives you written and dated proof that the conversation took place.

This evidence is also useful if the causal chat doesn’t work and you need to move to the next step, involving the local council. Collecting evidence that you have tried to remedy the situation yourself is key, as is collecting as much detail about the noise as you can.

It can be difficult for official bodies to investigate noise nuisances, as often it can be sporadic and takes place at inconvenient hours. Making sure you ask the complainant to make clear audio recordings of the noise when it happens (recordings on a phone is fine) and logging the times and dates could be invaluable to a subsequent investigation.

What to do if you live next to a noisy tenant

If you are the suffering neighbour living next to a noisy tenant, contacting their private landlord, housing association or the freeholder can be a good place to start if you would like to elevate the situation. Whilst ideally you would give your neighbours a friendly knock and have a chat with them about the noise issues, in some cases it can be easier to alert the landlord immediately, and ask them to manage the situation on your behalf.

What if that doesn’t work?

If reasoning with the noisy tenant doesn’t work, the last resort would be to involve your Local Authority’s Environmental Health Department. Legally, this department has a responsibility to manage any noise disturbance that is considered to be a ‘statutory nuisance’ under the  Environmental Protection Act 1990, which includes anything which is considered to ‘unreasonably and substantially interfere with the use or enjoyment of a home or other premises’ or ‘injure health or be likely to injure health’. However, they are reliant on evidence to process a case – so audio recordings, dates and details are vital here.

Once a case is underway, the occupier will receive a letter saying that they are the subject of an investigation regarding noise disturbance, however your identity as a complainant is kept confidential (many neighbours and landlords choose to skip straight to this route for this very reason). Having examined the evidence, if it is deemed that the noise problem is too loud and the tenant isn’t willing to do anything about it, the council can issue an abatement notice. This strict legal action instructs the individual to cease or limit noise it to certain time of day. A word of warning though, the abatement notice can be served on an individual or the owner of the property – potentially the landlord.

What if they do not stop?

The individual does have the right to appeal an abatement notice, but this is a strict 21-day window. If they do not launch an appeal in this time, they are not able to do so.

Once the individual has received an abatement notice from the council, it is a criminal office to fail to comply with the requirements set out in the notice. In the event of a breach of the notice, the recipient can face prosecution and a hefty fine.

Should it get to this stage, if the property is rented it is possible that the unsuspecting landlord could be facing bigger problems than a noisy tenant. There have been cases in the past of tricky tenants leaving a rental property, and disappearing, thus landing their unfortunate landlord with the fine from a breached abatement notice!

Howsy’s Top Tips

  • If you have a noisy neighbour, notify landlords and managing agents of any issues
  • Keep a clear record of the situation – recordings, dates and conversations
  • Raise issues to Environmental Health if not rectified
  • Be patient – Environmental Health can take up to 12 weeks to process a case
  • Closely monitor any tenants who are causing a noise nuisance – make sure they are abiding by the rules!

Landlord, tenant or guarantor  – we’ve got the answers to your most important questions.

Renting is a big financial commitment involving risk for both landlord and tenant. If you’re a landlord who’s not confident that a prospective tenant can pay the rent – or you’re a student or recent graduate finding it difficult to prove you can afford the rent, or you can’t pay a whopping 12 months’ rent upfront – it’s worth considering getting a rent guarantor.

What is a rent guarantor?

A rent guarantor is a person, a company or an institution that agrees to be a tenant’s financial back-up. If the tenant doesn’t or can’t pay the monthly rent, the guarantor is liable to pay for them. They are legally bound to cover all the tenant’s debts – which could be thousands of pounds – so that the landlord is not out of pocket. This is why many tenants turn to their parents, other family member or a very close friend to be their guarantor.

Who can be a rent guarantor?

A financially stable individual, a specialist company, or an academic institution.

A guarantor needs to have more money than the tenant, generally be a UK resident and UK home owner (it’s much harder to chase debt abroad), and be willing to go through rigorous checks, including a credit check and any other check the landlord requests to prove they can afford to cover the tenant’s costs on top of their own living expenses.

Thankfully, these days there are several alternative options if friends or family can’t or won’t help out. We talk about this in more detail below.

Is a rent guarantor liable for unpaid rent?

Yes. Which is why the role is a serious responsibility and should not be taken on lightly, nor without being crystal clear about exactly what’s being signed up to. There are many stories of guarantors who find themselves surprised and stressed that they’re being asked to pay their relative’s rent.

As with any legal contract, always check what the guarantor agreement says. A guarantee agreement may also state that the guarantor is responsible for other conditions under the tenancy, such as:

  • unpaid bills, including council tax
  • damage caused to the property
  • if a shared property, other joint tenants’ unpaid rent
  • legal costs faced by the landlord because of the tenant.

Be absolutely sure of your obligations, as they’re difficult to get out of.

On a positive note, a guarantor is free to negotiate the terms of the guarantee agreement with the landlord before signing anything.


When can a landlord contact a guarantor?

When your tenant owes you money. At this point you can send a rent demand letter to the guarantor. Send copies of all correspondence about rent arrears or other breaches of the tenancy agreement to the guarantor. The guarantor could become liable for the debt if the tenant doesn’t pay.


I need a rent guarantor but can’t find one. What do I do?

Good news; you have options, especially if you’re a student. Your university or a specialist company can potentially act as your guarantor. Both work with letting agents and landlords to ensure the agreement is professional and legally binding.

For a fee, rent guarantor services will act as your UK guarantor. How much you pay depends on the amount of rent you plan to pay, and whether you’re working.

UK Guarantor can secure you a rent guarantor the same day you apply. 

YourGuarantor acts as a UK guarantor for students attending UK universities for at least 3.5% of the rent, with no minimum fee.

Housing Hand helps UK-based students, recent graduates and working professionals get their first choice of accommodation .

All let you apply online for free.

Many universities, including the London School of Economics, offer their own rent guarantor service open to both UK-native and international students. It lets your university act as your guarantor to help you become a private renter and pay your monthly rent in full and on time.

Note that even these schemes require the meeting of certain criteria. For example, you don’t owe them money, and you have a satisfactory academic record.


How much does a rent guarantor need to earn?

It depends on what the individual landlord asks of them, but generally it’s three times the amount of the rent. Often, proof of income isn’t enough, however. Strict landlords will likely need a guarantor to be a UK homeowner and have ample savings, too.

What happens if a rent guarantor refuses to pay?

If the rent guarantor refuses or fails to cover any unpaid costs, the landlord can take legal action against the guarantor.

How can I stop being a rent guarantor?

It’s not easy but it is possible, typically when there’s a change in the tenancy agreement. For example, a change to the rental fee or a renewal of the tenancy would count as a variation unless:

  • the tenancy agreement says that the guarantee applies to any future variations or renewals, or
  • the guarantor agrees to the variation.

Can rent guarantors give notice?

As a general rule, no. Not within the fixed term of the agreement. However, as always, it depends on the wording of the guarantee. You might be responsible for covering rent arrears for however long the tenancy lasts, and for any increases in the rent. But if the tenancy turns into a periodic tenancy, the guarantor can then give one month’s notice.

What checks are done on a rent guarantor?

A guarantor goes through the same detailed referencing process as a tenant, including credit checks, a CCJ check and employer checks, plus extra checks, such ownership of property with HM Land Registry.

What happens if a guarantor can’t pay the rent?

Unless the guarantee provisions say otherwise, the guarantor carries on being liable even if s/he falls ill or loses their job.

If they’re declared bankrupt, then depending on the circumstances, the landlord may be a creditor in the bankruptcy for anything owed. And if the guarantor was to die, the landlord may be able to claim against their estate. Again, it depends on individual circumstances and what it says in the guarantee agreement.

Tenant changeovers can be tricky – from a landlord’s point of view, you probably want to keep the void period between tenancies as short as possible. After all, for every week your property is empty, you’re missing out on rent payments that could be going towards your family’s income, or your retirement, or paying off your own mortgage. 

Over time, even small unoccupied or ‘void’ periods can add up to a significant loss of income. But when it comes to the end of a tenancy, managing two sets of renters, incoming and outgoing, can be a nightmare. So how do you time it perfectly, keep your property occupied, and avoid the void?

Be a good landlord 

Prevention is better than cure. So if you can keep your tenants for a long time, it pays to do so! Being flexible and communicating well with your renters will keep them happy and less likely to move out. Over time, this approach not only yields the financial benefits of fewer tenant changeovers – it also just means you have an easier life and less landlord stress. Win-win. 

Talk to your outgoing tenants

If your tenants are definitely leaving, ask them how they found living in the property, and if there’s any particular reason why they’re moving on. If you had a good relationship, you could ask them if they would recommend any future tenants – perhaps they have friends or colleagues who would be equally easy to deal with.

Budget for a void period

Savvy landlords will already be doing this, but there’s no time like the present to start saving. Be financially cautious and expect to have a void period of one month per year. This way if it happens, you won’t panic and end up lowering your rent unnecessarily or settling for renters who don’t fit your specifications, just to fill the gap.

Make your property an easy sell

If you’re planning to advertise your property,  kitchens and bathrooms in particular are more likely to be a deciding factor for renters, so make sure they’re looking their best when you’re nearing the end of a tenancy. And make sure the photos taken by your agent really sell the property – ideally your adverts should be so good they make you want to move back into your property yourself!

Reduce rent and renovate

One of the most common reasons landlords have a void period is to allow them to carry out repairs or renovations. If you want to give the place a lick of paint or refit the entire kitchen, it might be necessary to have your property totally empty – but if there are smaller jobs you want to do, you might be able to carry them out while your outgoing tenants are still in the property. 

This is where having a good relationship with your renters really pays off. With a lot of good will and perhaps a reduction in one month’s rent, you may be able to ‘avoid the void’ by doing some repairs while the property is still occupied, meaning it’s ready for new tenants the day your old ones move out.

Check your insurance

Finally, it’s a good idea to make sure your insurance covers periods when your property is unoccupied. If a boiler breaks in an empty house with nobody to discover it, you could be in for a much bigger repair job than you expected. So make sure you know what your insurers will (and won’t) pay for in advance, to avoid any nasty surprises. 

Making your tenant changeovers quick and easy is a win-win for everyone involved. While you can’t always ‘avoid the void’ completely, over the long term it can really pay off to think carefully and have a plan that minimises your losses while your property is empty.

Unless you’re a dedicated property magnate, being a landlord shouldn’t take up your whole day. But even the most relaxed ‘part-time’ landlords have periods when it feels like the whole process is taking up far too much of your time. 

Lucky for us, new technologies can speed up a lot of the traditional lettings nightmares – or get rid of them completely. So with the help of our property experts, we’ve put together a list of the latest tools, ideas and apps that will help make letting your property quicker, smoother, and less of a headache. 

‘Project manage’ your property

Being a landlord often feels like juggling. Keeping all the balls in the air is hard enough by itself, but making sure your renters, the agent, and the handyman down the road are all kept up to speed can be a nightmare too. 

Trello is a free, simple list-making app that can help you ‘project manage’ your property. It’s used by tech teams and startups worldwide, but it’s also the perfect way to keep track of your property, your tenants, or even multiple properties. 

You can create to-do lists, get reminders when tasks are due, add attachments like contracts or photos, and even tag other people on them so they know they need to do something. There are plenty of options and add-ons, but even the basic app is just the most intuitive project board out there. Big recommend from us.

Try Trello out for yourself here.

Online banking that works for landlords

It’s a good idea to keep track of all payments coming in and out of your property. But if your traditional bank won’t make that easy for you, there are plenty of new banking options out there who will help you track everything for free. 

Mobile banks like Monzo, Tide and Starling Bank offer transparency and money managing options that are simply decades ahead of the bigger, more sluggish banks. They can help you keep track of your payments, produce monthly/yearly reports, and save money in separate pots, all on your phone. If you have multiple properties, this could be the best way to keep on top of them all in one place. 

Some of these apps will even allow you to request payments from other people – so they could also be a handy solution for regular payments between you and your tenants, agents and contractors. 

Check out Monzo, Tide, and Starling Bank.

Super simple inventory management

Ever got to the end of a lease and had to waste time quibbling with your tenants over ‘wear and tear’? Sortly will help you sort that – it’s an inventory management app that helps you easily keep track of the ‘things’ in your life. 

The app is photo-based, which means you can create a clear visual inventory of all you own – or the condition of all the furniture in your property before your tenants move in. It’s designed to help you document everything in your house or office for insurance purposes, so it’s organised, thorough, and really intuitive to use.

Try Sortly for yourself here.

Find the right person for the job

This one’s a must if you’re planning any repairs or renovations. helps you find local contractors for repairs and odd jobs – for free! From landscapers to plumbers, you can see detailed reviews from people who’ve booked them before, and chat to them through the site before booking anything – so you know you’re not about to lose money to a cowboy tradesman.

Find your next handyman, builder or decorator at Rated People.

Calculate your next property move

If you’re in the business of property, you might be looking at buying another property to let it out. This super-quick rental yield calculator will give you an estimate of the potential return from that property – simple!

If you’re a landlord, you’re part of a fast-moving market. But with a few tech tips and tricks, you can stay ahead of the game and make sure you get the most value from your property. Let us know how you get on – or if you’ve got any apps or technologies you think we missed!

For some reason, switching letting agents is one of those things that you just don’t do. It falls into the same category as changing your bank, your internet provider, or your phone contract: you know you might save a bit of money, but the hassle just doesn’t seem worth it. 

Well guess what? Things are changing. Traditional estate agents might take advantage of your fear of the unknown, trapping you into staying with a service that’s just ‘fine’ – but it’s actually far easier to switch agents than you might think. And there’s a lot for savvy landlords to gain by doing so.

1. You could pay much less

Ultimately, pricing is probably your first priority when deciding whether to switch letting agents. And you’re right to be sceptical of the prices charged by traditional agents. Especially since the introduction of legislation like the Tenant Fee Ban (which eliminates a lot of the fees agents are used to getting from tenants), many letting agents are simply finding ways to transfer that ‘lost income’ onto their landlords.

This is where the new breed of agents come in. Our pricing systems are totally different – allowing you to build a service that works for you. Our flat fees cover everything you’ll need as a landlord and our plans start at just £59/month). It could be worth switching just to know all your costs are covered in one place, and especially if it’s going to be cheaper.

2. New ideas and technology

Unlike traditional letting agents, newer agents aren’t set in their ways. We don’t just do things ‘because it’s always been done this way’. Simply put, we’re more likely to be keen, flexible, and eager to impress you – and we’ve got the tools to show the dinosaurs how it’s done. 

Take this quote from Howsy founder Calum: 

‘We don’t indulge in stylish offices and fancy cars. We keep our operational costs low, and use the best technology to automate routine tasks, so our focus is on you and your tenants.’ 

Up and coming tech solutions can save online agents so much time and cost, we’re able to spend more time on building better relationships with our landlords, and reduce the upfront cost for our customers too. So a newer agent’s service isn’t just likely to be cheaper – it could be better, quicker, and more personalised. 

3. Better communication 

Maybe your agent was great at the start, but their service has tailed off now they’ve got your business? Once the honeymoon period is over, it can feel like you’ve been pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. 

Especially compared to more traditional estate agents, online agents can offer quicker and communication on the platforms that suit you best – text, chat, phone, whatsapp, email, online dashboards. Some agents even offer 24/7 availability instead of working strict office hours (we certainly do 😎). 

When you run into issues with late rent payments, maintenance issues or finding a new tenant at short notice, the last thing you want is your agent dragging their feet – so switching agents can be worth it just to know you’ll actually get someone useful on the end of the phone, whenever you need them.

Getting itchy feet? We don’t blame you! Luckily, switching agents can be much easier than you think. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Give notice. 
    • Check your contract for how long this needs to be. It can make sense to wait until the end of a tenancy agreement, but you don’t have to.
  • Pay any exit fees.
    • It depends on your contract, but if the agent hasn’t delivered on what they agreed at the start, you may be able to negotiate these fees down, or in the case of a serious breach of contract, waive them completely. 
  • Keep your tenants informed.
    • Get your tenants’ contact details if you don’t have them, and get in touch to reassure them that it’s just the agent you’re changing, not them (unless they’re part of the problem – then you might need to think about evictions). 
  • Arrange the transfer of the deposit.
    • Make sure it’s securely transferred from one scheme to another, as there are very strict requirements for handling your renter’s deposit – it shouldn’t go anywhere near your personal account! This doesn’t need to be a hassle, though: your new agent should be able to take care of it for you.
  • Collect keys and paperwork from your old agent.
  • Set up your new tenancy agreement with the new agent.
  • Benefit from the level of service you should have been getting all along – at a cheaper price 😉

If that list looks like a lot of hassle, that’s okay – because ALL of this can be handled by your new agent. They can liaise with your old agent on everything from drawing up new agreements to speaking to your tenants, to collecting the keys and sorting out the deposit.

If the honeymoon phase is over and your agent is giving you sub-par service, you don’t have to put up with it. Get in touch with us to find out how much time, money and hassle you could save by switching agents.