Frustrated with your current letting agent? Switching agents can save you time and money!
Choosing who looks after your property is a big decision. You need to be 100% confident in the team managing your important asset. If you’re having doubts, you’re perfectly within your rights to switch and we can help.
Landlords are choosing Howsy to take care of their properties from only £59 per month. Why not join them?
How do I switch letting agents?
Firstly, check your contract with your existing agent.
Look for the termination clause and see how you can exit the contract without repercussions. Key things to look out for include, minimum contract term and length of notice.
If you’re unsure, our expert team are happy to help – pop your information in the form below, and we’ll check through it and let you know exactly where you stand.
Once you have an agreement to leave your existing contract, we can pick up the rest.
Tell us more about your current position:
Why Switch to Howsy?
Save Money
Our competitive pricing means your portfolio can achieve a greater yield. We can manage your whole property portfolio and potentially save you thousands.
Property Pros
Our team of property professionals, with a 100 years of combined experience will take you through the process and take full care of your investment, so you can sit back and relax.

It’s Easy
Our technology lets properties quicker, it keeps your tenants happier, it makes you more money and it allows you to oversee everything.